September 18 2023 0Comment
Enhance your home’s beauty with Exterior Staining Contractors

Enhance your home’s beauty with Exterior Staining Contractors


Your home’s exterior is the first thing people notice, and its appearance sets the tone for what’s inside. While a fresh coat of paint can do wonders, there’s another way to transform your home’s exterior and protect it from the elements: exterior staining. Exterior staining contractors are the unsung heroes of home improvement, specializing in enhancing the natural beauty of wood surfaces while extending their lifespan. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of exterior staining contractors, their services, benefits, and how to choose the right one for your project.

The Art of Exterior Staining

Exterior staining is an art form that involves applying a semi-transparent or solid-color stain to wood surfaces like decks, fences, siding, and even outdoor furniture. Unlike paint, which covers the wood’s grain, stains penetrate the wood, preserving its natural look while providing protection against moisture, UV rays, and wear and tear. This makes it an excellent choice for homeowners who want to showcase the innate beauty of their wooden surfaces.

Services Offered by Exterior Staining Contractors

1.Deck Staining: Wooden decks are a popular outdoor feature that can be easily transformed with staining. Contractors clean, sand, and stain the deck to restore its original luster and protect it from weather damage.

2.Fence Staining: Fences, exposed to the elements, can quickly deteriorate. Staining not only revives their appearance but also extends their lifespan by preventing rot and decay.

3.Siding Staining: Exterior wood siding is prone to weathering, which can lead to costly repairs. Staining contractors apply protective coats that keep your siding looking fresh for years.

4.Outdoor Furniture Staining: Stained outdoor furniture not only looks elegant but also withstands the rigors of outdoor life.

Benefits of Hiring Exterior Staining Contractors

1.Enhanced Aesthetics: Exterior staining brings out the natural beauty of wood, making it a visually appealing choice for homeowners who appreciate the charm of wooden surfaces.

2.Protection: Staining acts as a shield, protecting wood from water damage, UV rays, mold, and mildew. This preservation can significantly extend the life of your outdoor structures and furniture.

3.Low Maintenance: Stained surfaces require less maintenance than painted ones. They don’t chip or peel, and a simple reapplication of stain every few years keeps them looking their best.

4.Increased Home Value: A well-maintained, aesthetically pleasing exterior can increase your home’s curb appeal and, consequently, its value.

Choosing the Right Exterior Staining Contractor

1.Research: Start by researching local staining contractors. Look for reviews, ratings, and examples of their work on websites and social media platforms.

2.Request Quotes: Contact multiple contractors and request detailed quotes. Ensure the quotes include the cost of materials, labor, and any necessary preparations.

3.Check Credentials: Verify that the contractor is licensed, insured, and has experience in exterior staining.

4.References: Ask for references from previous clients to get a sense of their work quality and professionalism.

5.Portfolio: Review their portfolio to see if their style matches your vision for your project.

Outdoor Staining Cost 

The cost of outdoor stains can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of stain, the size of the project, and the brand or quality of the stain. Here are some general guidelines:

1.Type of Stain: There are two main types of outdoor stains: semi-transparent and solid-color. Semi-transparent stains tend to be less expensive than solid-color stains.

2.Size of the Project: The size of the surface you’re staining, whether it’s a small deck or a large fence, will impact the overall cost. Larger projects require more stain.

3.Quality and Brand: Premium brands and high-quality stains often come with a higher price tag but may provide better durability and longer-lasting results.

4.Wood Condition: If your wood surface requires extensive preparation, such as cleaning, sanding, or repairs, this can add to the overall cost.

5.Labor Costs: If you hire a professional staining contractor, labor costs will be an additional expense. Labor costs can vary based on location and the complexity of the project.

6.Local Pricing: Prices can also vary depending on your location and local market conditions.

As a rough estimate, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $50 or more per gallon for outdoor stains, with premium or specialized stains potentially costing even more. Keep in mind that you may need multiple gallons of stain for a larger project, so calculate accordingly.

To get an accurate cost estimate for your specific project, it’s advisable to obtain quotes from local suppliers for the stain itself and, if applicable, from staining contractors for labor costs. This will help you determine the total cost based on your unique requirements and preferences.

The cost to stain a 2000 sq foot deck 

The cost to stain a 2000 square foot deck can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of stain, the condition of the deck, labor costs in your area, and whether you plan to do the staining yourself or hire a professional. Here’s a rough estimate to give you an idea:

1.Cost of Stain: As mentioned earlier, the cost of stain varies based on the type and quality. On average, you might need around 1-2 gallons of stain per 100 square feet for a deck. If we assume an average cost of $30 per gallon, you would need 20-40 gallons of stain for a 2000 square foot deck. This would amount to $600 to $1,200 for the stain itself.

2.Labor Costs: If you hire a professional staining contractor, labor costs will be an additional expense. Labor costs can range from $2 to $5 or more per square foot, depending on your location and the complexity of the project. For a 2000 square foot deck, labor costs could range from $4,000 to $10,000 or more.

3.Preparation and Repairs: If your deck requires extensive cleaning, sanding, or repairs before staining, these additional tasks can also add to the overall cost.

4.Additional Materials: You may need additional materials such as brushes, rollers, drop cloths, and cleaning supplies, which can add to the cost.

5.DIY vs. Professional: Doing the staining yourself can save on labor costs but requires your time and effort. Hiring a professional ensures a high-quality finish but comes with higher labor expenses.

In total, the cost to stain a 2000 square foot deck could range from $600 to $1,200 for the stain alone, plus labor costs that could range from $4,000 to $10,000 or more if you hire a professional. Keep in mind that these are rough estimates, and the actual cost will depend on the specific details of your project and your location. It’s advisable to obtain quotes from local staining contractors to get a more accurate estimate based on your deck’s condition and your preferences.

The cost to stain a 100 sq foot deck 

In total, the cost to stain a 100 square foot deck could range from $30 to $60 for the stain alone, plus labor costs that could range from $200 to $500 or more if you hire a professional. Keep in mind that these are rough estimates, and the actual cost will depend on the specific details of your project and your location. Obtaining quotes from local staining contractors or suppliers can provide a more accurate estimate based on your deck’s condition and your preferences.

What is better: To spray or roll exterior stain

The choice between spraying and rolling exterior stain depends on several factors, including the type of project, your experience level, and personal preferences. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages:

Spraying Exterior Stain:


1.Speed: Spraying is generally faster than rolling, making it an efficient choice for large surfaces like fences, siding, or expansive decks.

2.Even Coverage: Spraying can provide a smooth and even coat of stain, especially on surfaces with a lot of crevices or detail work.

3.Less Physical Effort: It requires less physical effort than rolling, which can be helpful for larger projects.


1.Overspray: Spraying can result in overspray, which may require careful masking and protection of nearby surfaces and landscaping.

2.Waste: It can be less efficient in terms of stain usage, as some may drift away as overspray.

3.Skill Required: Achieving an even finish with a sprayer requires some skill and practice, especially to avoid drips and runs.

Rolling Exterior Stain:


1.Control: Rolling offers more control over the application, making it a good choice for smaller or more intricate areas.

2.Less Waste: Rolling typically uses less stain compared to spraying, as there’s no overspray.

3.Easy Cleanup: Cleanup is generally easier with rollers compared to sprayers.


1.Slower: Rolling can be slower than spraying, making it less efficient for larger projects.

2.Texture: Depending on the type of roller used, it may leave a slight texture on the surface, which can be a disadvantage if you prefer a completely smooth finish.

Which to Choose:

1.Project Size: For smaller projects or areas with many details, rolling may be the better choice for precision and control. For larger, more open surfaces, spraying can be faster.

2.Experience: If you have experience with spraying equipment and are confident in your ability to control overspray, spraying can be efficient. However, if you’re new to staining, rolling may be easier to learn.

3.Surface Type: Consider the type of wood or surface you’re staining. Some surfaces may benefit from the even application of a sprayer, while others may look better with the texture of a roller.

4.Preparation: Regardless of the method you choose, proper preparation, including cleaning and surface conditioning, is crucial for a successful staining project.

In many cases, a combination of both methods can be effective. You might spray the large, open areas for speed and then use a roller for the edges, corners, and details where precision is required. Ultimately, the choice between spraying and rolling should align with your project’s specific needs and your level of comfort and experience with the chosen method.


Q1: What exactly does an exterior staining contractor do?

An exterior staining contractor specializes in enhancing and preserving wooden surfaces outdoors. They apply stains to surfaces such as decks, fences, siding, and outdoor furniture, aiming to protect them from the elements while enhancing their natural beauty.

Q2: How often do I need to restain my exterior surfaces?

The frequency of restaining depends on various factors, including the type of stain used, exposure to sunlight and weather, and the quality of the initial application. In general, you might need to restain every 2-5 years for optimal protection and appearance.

Q3: Can I stain my deck or fence myself, or should I hire a professional?

You can stain your deck or fence yourself if you’re comfortable with the process and have the necessary tools and skills. However, hiring a professional can ensure a high-quality, even finish, especially for larger or more complex projects.

Q4: Is staining better than painting for outdoor wood surfaces?

Staining and painting have different advantages. Staining preserves the natural wood grain while painting covers it. Stain is often preferred for its durability and low maintenance, while paint offers more color options. The choice depends on your preferences and the look you want to achieve.

Q5: Are there eco-friendly staining options available?

Yes, there are eco-friendly or water-based stains available that have lower VOC (volatile organic compound) levels, making them more environmentally friendly. These stains provide good protection while minimizing harm to the environment.

Q6: Can I change the color of my existing stained deck or fence?

Yes, you can change the color of an existing stained surface by using a solid-color stain that covers the previous color. However, transitioning from a darker stain to a lighter one may require additional preparation and coats

Q7: What’s the difference between semi-transparent and solid-color stains?

Semi-transparent stains allow the wood’s natural grain to show through, providing a more subtle color while protecting the wood. Solid-color stains completely cover the grain and offer a more opaque finish with a wide range of color options.

Q8: Can I stain pressure-treated wood right away, or should I wait?

It’s generally recommended to wait for a few months after installing pressure-treated wood to allow it to dry and age. Staining too soon may result in uneven absorption and adhesion issues

Q9: What’s the cost range for hiring an exterior staining contractor?

The cost of hiring an exterior staining contractor can vary widely based on the size and complexity of the project, location, and other factors. It’s best to obtain quotes from local contractors for a specific estimate.

Q10: How do I maintain stained outdoor surfaces after the initial application?

Regular maintenance includes cleaning the surface, checking for any damage or wear, and 
reapplying stains as needed. The frequency of maintenance depends on factors like weather exposure and the type of stain used.

Book A Consultation 

contact us today to get a consultation with our experts:

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Exterior staining contractors play a vital role in preserving and enhancing the beauty of your home’s wooden surfaces. Their expertise can transform your outdoor spaces, increase your property’s value, and save you from costly repairs in the long run. By selecting the right contractor and investing in exterior staining, you can ensure that your home’s exterior radiates beauty and durability for years to come.
